Wednesday, November 29, 2006


All I want to know is what in the world do holidays need money for? I mean is there a place like some store where holidays go to shop for whatever they think they need?

Seems like a fair question to ask. Plus the way I figure since most stores are closed for holidays where would they really have a chance to do much shopping. Perhaps on the internet. Maybe they got their own holiday shopping web site or something.

I guess my big worry is where does all the money come from to pay those holidays anyway? I would hate to think it comes out our taxes or some other way that costs us a bundle whether we want to pay for it or not.

You would think that the government could work out a deal of some kind without it costing us. Heck, seeing how at times they love invading and blowing things up I reckon the could even just park a tank near where that stupid Holiday hangs out and say, "you want pay, well give you pay in things that will blow your butt to smithereens."<

"But then you never know how the holiday would react to that. Shoot is might just refuse to be a holiday. Then we would lose out on all the fun. And man if somebody were to refuse to allow us to have something like Christmas, I sure would get pissed. There is no way anybody is going to take away my holiday fudge!

One thing I'm not sure of is whether these holidays have a union. Lord knows there are unions for all other kinds of workers so I bet there is a holiday union somewhere.

Oh my god, if there is a union then that means they could go on strike! But since we don't know who pays them, it would be awful. They could refuse to holiday as a form of strike.

Why that could lead to like us being stuck with some lame-oh non union scab holiday fill it. Can you imagine Christmas being some like "don't bug me jerk, I'm just filling in here" kind of a holiday. We could end up with somebody with a real bad attitude who would fart a lot, forget where he put the presents and end up raiding the refrigerator of all the good stuff.

And what if nobody figured out how to settle the strike for like years. Man we would end up having to rewrap the same crapping present year and year. Like that would be some thrill.

As for the Christmas trees, I hate to think what it would be like to get stuck using the same one over and over. Well, I suppose with some super glue you could keep the pine needles stuck on it for couple years and maybe some paint would keep it green, but I don't it would hold very many ornaments for long. At least you might not have to water it. But then if you got stuck using the same present every year, I guess it wouldn't matter than much about the tree.

I guess to be safe we better stick with the whole holiday pay then. At least tell we can locate that union and slap them around to get them to behave.


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