Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Some knucklehead said this was supposed to be about onwards and upwards. Personally, I think that is silly. To me that suggest that going ahead means you are going to fly off into space. Is this a big problem I've never heard of before? I don't think so.

That is why I think it should be onwards and sideways. Because that way if you are face with some detour, no problem.

Why do some people always seem to want to complicate the stupid? At least it seems that way too me.

As far as I'm concerned there are just too many people out there coming up with weird and whacko sayings if you ask me. It makes me wonder if there is some kind of like school out there where they teach you to say dumb things.

If I listen to my buddy Otis it is the same school where politicians, lawyers and news reporters go to learn what they know. That doesn't make it very impressive to me.

I suppose most people wouldn't appreciate my buddy's suggestion for how to fix that problem either. That's because I don't think we got enough rocket ships to send all those folks to the moon on a one way trip.

So I reckon we just need another solution. One that might really work. I've got a few ideas I think my be of help.

For starters we could like make sure if people said dumb sayings we did something to teach them that was a bad thing so they wouldn't do it again. Only I don't imagine people would like my solution to that one. I still think stapling their tongues to the all would cut down on the problem of them doing it more than once, but I reckon it isn't an idea whose time has come. I'll have to check the calendar and see what day it might be okay.

Well since they won't let me choose that option then my next idea is a little easier. You just stuff the person's head in a trash can. That would probably get the idea across that they should wise up on this sayings thing.

You know it really bugs me when I come up with all these cool ideas and nobody seems to appreciate them. It can be really discouraging at times.

But I don't give up. I mean sometimes like somebody said the best made glands of rice and spend. Um, something like that. Or maybe it had to do with cheese and men or something along those lines. Anyway, that just goes to show why we need to fix this problem right away. There is no point letting anyone's glands, no matter how much cheese they eat become thought of as the best whatever. Looks like I got to find the moron who said that saying and find a trash can too. Guess the work of fixing slogans is never done. Now all I got to do is find the people saying this junk and make sure they stop being so dang much of a pain.


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