Wednesday, December 13, 2006


How come they never make any cool game shows about stuff that would really be fun? Boy I wish they would ask me. I've got all kinds of great ideas.

Heck, they must have some big place somewhere that all the game dudes hang out who think up the stuff the call game shows. And they are okay, don't get me wrong. It is just they always are about people winning stuff like money.

You get money for working and stuff so it just seems kind of boring to only give money away on some game show. Oh I know they also have those shows where they give you prizes too.

Still, I just wish they would come up with something extra special and make it a whole lot more fun if you asked me. And just in case anybody is a game dude who is reading this I'll just toss out a few ideas to show you how I could improve the shows.

Now first of all I would want to give people you can't give just anyway. Like say a card, which spares you from a beating if you happen to fart in a crowded elevator. Tell me one game show that offers that!

Then you could say give away "excuse me" coupons in case you happen to barf on a elevator. I bet nobody ever thought up that one before. But I imagine you sure could get a whole lot of folks excited over a prize like that.

As for the game shows themselves how about one called punch in the gut. Yeah, two people stand up and hit each other in the stomach after eating a really big meal of greasy pork chops with gravy biscuits and a big piece of apple pie with ice cream. That would really make one see who had the stronger stomach. The first one to barf loses.

Or how about a game called, Swipe the Armpit Hair. See you could each yank on the other person's armpit hair. The first one to scream loses.

See now tell me anybody else has come up with cool ideas like that? Which is just my point. There is never an fun stuff with the game shows that is different from all the other ones. At least mine are different.

Shoot, those were ideas off the top of my head. With a little encouragement and inspiration who knows what kind of great ideas I might come up with.

I say the sighs are the limit. Oh yeah, you can be darn sure that when you let me plan some game show there are going to be sighs. Perhaps even a few moans or groans too.

Course with a game like punch in the gut it is hard to say whether the groans might be because you stomach hurts or your happy you didn't barf first and are looking forward to claiming that coupon for not getting punched in the nose for farting in the elevator. Oh yeah, that would be something to see. I hope someday I get a chance too.


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