Friday, December 22, 2006


What kind of sick world do we live in when they make up stories about some girl names Little Bo Peep? Okay, maybe she was one of those cute kids that adults go ga-ga over who act all wonderful and make you want to puke from them being so darn good.

Does that mean she merits having some story written about her? I don't think so. Just think about this. Here she was in charge of a bunch of sheep. God knows what clown put her in charge of them?

But then she lost them. What kind of deal is that? I don't think I wouldn't be bragging about losing any stupid sheep and not knowing where to find them.

And then out of the blue they just show up? What gives with that? I smell a rat myself. What if this gal hid them away just to make them show up on cue so she could hog some glory for herself? That sounds pretty disgusting myself. Just some gal who messes with a bunch of sheep who is a publicity hog. Is that a good thing?

I don't think so. But nobody seems to have bothered to figure this out. They still put this in one of those nursery rhymes.

You know we got a nursery not that far from where I live. I've visited it. They got lots of plants and green stuff, but nobody working there went around rhyming all the time. And they sure didn't have any sheep either.

Makes me wonder were this nursery is that has some bunch of weirdoes working there that think rhyming about junk is a big deal. Yeah, these are probably also the ones who probably take long lunch hours and do as little work as possible.

So there was of making up for this is to talk about this nursery tales, including this Little Bo Peep character. The nerve of those jerks.

Well, I don't know about you, but if I ever find some nursery where the help lugs around plants and is always telling weird rhyming stories about sheep, I'm going to show them what they can do with their stories. Oh yeah, I'd teach them dudes a lesson.

But with my luck they would end up making up some stupid nursery rhymes about me. Hmmm, I wonder what rhymes with Smog Boy. It sure ain't going to be sheep, you can count on that.

And the one thing those guys better understand is that if they start spreading stupid nursery stories about me I'll rhyme the words bash and smash with my bat against their head. Hopefully, I won't have to get that serious about it.

Perhaps I can get them to just stick to talking about plants. Guess they can work out rhyming plants somehow. It can't be any worse than them mentioning sheep when they don't even sell them.

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: "Somebody asked the question about if there is life after death? I think the more important question would be if there are bathrooms after death. Because you might as well be dead if you got no place to pee."


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