Tuesday, January 02, 2007


I heard somebody talking about this the other day and couldn't believe it. Now who in the world for a guy wants somebody to start calling him, Sue?

I just really wondered. And from the best I could figure this guy was talking like it was a punishment he was going to be given for something he did that somebody didn't like.

Is this a new form of punishment that suddenly became popular? I just had to wonder. Because the last I heard there was nothing special or new about the name Sue.

Not that should make it a name you stick on some guy for messing up. Makes me wonder if some guy got really pissed at some gal named Sue so he decided it would be a good way of punishing some guy he disliked.

What I want to know is how does this work if the person you are mad at is a girl? I don't think she would be upset about being called Sue.

It is funny how some people get the craziest ideas of what is a good thing. And as far as I'm concerned I just can't get it with this thing.

I really tried, but it just didn't seem that having somebody call me Sue would scare me all that much. Mainly because I would go around telling anybody that was the name this guy was calling me.

Well of course I might encourage him to stop it too. That wouldn't be too hard I imagine with the use of my little wooden belt.

It is amazing how much easier it makes conversation that ending up in some argument. I got to admit that sometimes I find a person that doesn't quite get it the first time, so normally it takes a couple of extra whacks.

Then providing he is still conscious he normally listens to reason. If he is unconscious, at least we don't have an argument any longer.

Meanwhile, I think I need to find out more on this darn Sue thing. Now I guess is also involves legally changing your name.

That is because I heard the same fella talking about getting a lawyer. But that sure seems like a lot of work to go through just because somebody wants to start calling you Sue.

And I also wonder if you get any other choices. I mean if you start calling enough guys Sue it would sort of lose the point to me.

Well, I hope whatever happens nobody ends up wanting to call me Sue. And if they do, they don't tell me. Because let me tell you if they try it and are really snotty, I'm likely to give them some extra good reason to hate me. But I'll just leave that to you to think about for now in case you are the type to run around calling people Sue.


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