Thursday, December 28, 2006


Alright, where do cows go that they got to come home. I didn't even know they ever left the farm. Apparently it does happen.

And it must be a pretty big deal seeing how there are times when you just have to wait for those stupid cows to quite running around before some other cool stuff can happen. Boy them darn cows can be so selfish I guess.

I don't even know how they get around. It ain't like they could do much driving of a car. Oh, I've heard of a cattle truck. So perhaps there is some place they get to rent one for special occasions.

I wonder if they have to have a regular driver's license or what? And do you reckon they know how to read signs?

Shoot, I hear the color red sort of makes them go a little whacky. So I kind of wonder too if they don't get funny in the head when they see a red light?

That might account for why they have trouble getting home at a decent time. And if they go whacky it might also account for that business about a cow jumping over the moon.

Gosh, you can bet they don't make it home at decent time if they are out trying to leap over some moon. I don't think I want to find out about that part in person.

I mean heck, I wouldn't want to b standing there watching some stupid cow try to leap over the moon and then suddenly poop all over me. That is not my idea of having a good time.

I'll just leave that part to those other people who are worried about the cows coming home. I'm sure there are a lot of them out there.

At least you would think from how some people mention this saying. Well, that's cool though I guess. They can wait till for the cows all they want.

As for me, shoot, I think I'll just spend my time waiting for more important stuff. Like right now I'm waiting to hear from some of those Hollywood movie producer types about my idea for a movie.

I think having a super hero who happens to save the world from being wiped out as a result of some terrible disease that makes all jelly beans cause you to fart would be a great movie. And I'm sure it is just a matter of time till they contact me.

I hope it is soon though. I mean I would have thought after two years the mail would have gotten here by now. Looks like I have to do a lot of waiting just like those waiting for the cows to come home. Only in my case I'm not going to be listening for any moo. Just the sound the postman makes when he delivers those rocks I keep ordering.


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