Saturday, December 30, 2006


Okay what is the big deal with this thing? I mean it hardly seems to me that you should have to need to have a fancy name for something like turning something off when you could just turn it off. But I guess some people think it is important.

Now what I to know is we have all this talk about shut off valves, but do we have any shut on valves? I mean if you aren't going to call it turning off shouldn't you then call it shutting it on? Seems like we need to be a little consistency on this whole deal.

And how come nobody else has already figured that part out? You wouldn't think it would be that tough.

The way I figure this is probably some kind of valve conspiracy. You got all these valve people who want us to believe you can shut things off or shut them on without their stupid valve.

So we need to teach these people a lesson. Only I think the best way to do that would be to figure a way to turn stuff on and off without any valve at all.

I can't imagine that ought to be that difficult to do if we really try. Course we could just boycott any junk that requires a valve in the first place.

That would really show them jerks if you took away their illusion that we can't get by without them. I bet they would really miserable if they found out we weren't going to keep letting them force us into using those stupid valves.

The only question I suppose would be what do we use to replace those valves? Seem like we just need something you can use that turns stuff on and off just as easy.

Maybe like say a remote control? That works really good on televisions. So maybe they could figure a way to you know fix them so you could use them on other junk.

But then I reckon somebody might complain about having to use batteries. Well, then we have to come up with something even better.

Oh I got it. We could just forget the whole thing. Yeah, we will go on and avoid even touching stuff with shut off valves.

Hmmm, I wonder how long we could go without water? I can't imagine it would be that hard though.

I reckon we could sure stuff like pop for taking baths. Yeah, the clear kind would be a good choice don't you think?

Well, I'll go to the store and see how much it would cost to use pop for baths instead of water. I bet those shut off valve people will be impressed huh?


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