Sunday, January 07, 2007


Some people are so weird. Now I don't consider myself to be a genius. Well I guess I would not claim that title, but I wouldn't turn it down if it were offered.

Anyway, I heard this guy talking about some other person and calling them a showboat. I tell you this person definitely had a problem. I'm speaking of the guy talking about someone being a showboat.

Because the plain fact is nobody can be a boat. Okay, perhaps there is an exception. I had an uncle once who thought he was a bridge. That's not a boat, but it does involve water. In his case it wasn't so bad because my aunt convinced him he was a toll bridge and she used to charge people to run over him with their cars. Didn't last too long though.

Outside of that though, I know and you know this whole idea of a person being any kind of boat is kind of silly. As for it being a showboat, I wonder what kind of boat that is?

I'm assuming perhaps that it would have to be really big. After all you could hardly have a decent show of any kind just on a dingy or rowboat.

Only I would assume a person would know better than to think they could be something as huge as a aircraft carrier. Heck the first time somebody tried to land on them with a jet they would figure out they weren't a very good boat.

At least you would think so. It is just so hard to tell with some people though. I mean honestly, a person has a right to believe whatever they want. So I reckon if it makes the person happy to think they are some huge aircraft carrier that people get to have shows on, fine.

However does any of that require others to you know, make fun of them for that? I got to question how you are helping the person by agreeing with their idea of being any kind of a boat?

See, I think the problem is that people don't think this kind of stuff through that much. Otherwise they might avoid being so silly as to claim this kind of thing.

Also are there people out there that think they are a different kind of show thing? I mean are there people who think they are show cars or show houses or show planes?

Maybe there is a big problem with lots of people thinking like that and not telling others all the time. Perhaps they just do it on certain occasions for certain people.

In which case, I guess whatever shows they are putting on for entertainment only get seen by a few. That's sort of selfish if you ask me. I enjoy a good show as much as the next person. So you would think it would nice if they would share. I could put up with a guy looking stupid while pretending to be a whatever. Might be good for a few laughs.


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