Monday, January 08, 2007


Who is a lamebrain enough to not know this is hardly a good thing? I don't hang around with tigers, but I'm not about to want to risk being some big cat's snack!

So why some others haven't figure this part out I have no idea. I just know that whoever came up with this idea really needs help.

Course we do know that you don't find too many tigers around as a rule anyway. Well I haven't that is for sure.

Oh I reckon you could find them in a zoo, but I'm not going into any tiger's cage just to grab his tail. Plus is this whole thing just about tigers or what? Are they like the old cats this applies too?

I don't recall them talking about say having a lion or cheetah by the tail. There must be some special reason for them to single out tigers. Who knows, perhaps tigers like this for some reason.

Personally, I'm not about to go and ask them. Them tigers can be trusted in my opinion. I can just see it you go up and say, "here kitty, kitty, kitty." Then the next thing all you see is some blur of fur and then the tiger sits there with a big bulge in his stomach, your footprints on the ground and him having a big smile on his face, followed by some contented burp.

No thanks to that from my view. I'll just be happy to let those tigers keep their tales and look to somebody else for a snack.

Which sort of makes me wonder you know, did somebody come up with this because they wanted YOU to be the snack? Now that sounds like something that old rat boy, Junior Hemoglobin would pull.

He such a jerk in that regard. I can see it now, he spreads this idea around about how yanking some tiger's tail is a good thing.

Knowing him I bet it has to do with him plotted to get cheese out of somebody else. Yeah, that would be just like him, that cheese freak. He would probably see where you know somebody has some cheese and then he would say something like 'Oh look that tiger has something in its tail. Why don't you go over and check it out."

Then the next thing you know, you end up a snack and Junior gets your cheese. Well, I ain't falling for that one.

Nope, that ain't going to work for me. I'll just pass on the whole idea. Course one way to avoid it is that I'm not going to be caught with any cheese. I'll just be sure I eat it before Junior sees me. Er, maybe I'll have to be sure I don't get caught with cheese breath either. So I'll just eat some jelly beans first. Hmmm, I hope tigers don't like jelly beans.


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