Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Yeah, I mean exactly that. There are some things people say that really smell. I mean down right stink from being dumb and stupid.

So from my point of view the least they could do is to fart to give you nose the same experience your brain is having. But I doubt that will happen.

I don't know, I just get kind of bored when I have to listen to people who say the kind of stuff that is totally boring. It is like they don't have anything decent to say and can't think up anything exciting so they mumble a bunch of dribble that is totally a yawn.

And brother if you dare to try and shut them up, forget it. That will only give them a bad case of diarrhea of the mouth. I know some call that running off at the mouth as if you know, they keep talking forever. And it does mean that, but to me it also means all they say is a bunch of crap.

Which seems if they are going to bother with that then why not fart and get it over with. At least that way you could hold your nose and say, "buddy that was really disgusting."

They might even agree, which would be really cool. But no, such people never bother to accept they have that problem. And the fact that they have no friends because the bore the crap out of people doesn't help either.

All it does is get them inspired to come back and keep bugging you. Which only makes things really a pain.

As for me, well shoot, I would just be thrilled if they would go and bother someone else. Or like I said, if they would bother to you know take time to fart.

Plus if they fart everyone else would know the person sucks. That would be so great. Then they wouldn't look at me like I was weird when I was totally bored out of my mind from dealing with the person.

See the problem is that sometimes these boring people are just too good at appearing to be normal. They can really fool others if you don't hang around them for very long.

So in those case they think you are weird for thinking that person is dull and you want to hide from them. I say hide because if I try bashing them, even if it makes them fart it never ends with anyone thinking it is okay.

I tell you that is so frustrating. And I really do get so annoyed when I can get the person to shut up or fart or leave me alone and bashing them doesn't work.

About the only thing I can do in those situations is to you know tell them somebody else wants to talk to them. Let me tell you it isn't long till I can tell that person is thinking about farts also.


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