Friday, January 12, 2007


Man is there any better joy during the holidays that being able to know some turkey if going to be filled with something really yummy? I just love knowing that fact.

And I really love it best when I get to help make the stuffing. Personally, I'm a big fan of jelly bean, marshmallow and fudge sauce stuffing.

My buddy Otis gets kind of picky on that part. He claims stuffing has to have some kind of bread in it. So I figure a donut or two will work. But he says that doesn't count.

I really get kind of annoyed when he gets all hung up on that part. I mean shoot, why ruin a perfectly good turkey filling it with bread when you got rolls to eat? Besides who really likes soggy bread? I don't.

That is why last year I thought I would help Otis out. So when he wasn't looking I took out the turkey and dug out all that weird bread junk and put in my own special holiday stuffing.

Man was I so proud of myself. I mean I added all the good stuff. I put in a bunch of jelly beans, a big mound of marshmallows, peanut butter, fudge, cherries, some nuts, whipped cream and um, oh I forget what all else. All I know is I outdid myself in the tasty department from my point of view.

Shoot, I remember, I even added a couple of brownies and some frosting. You know to make sure it had that extra something special.

But my buddy Otis sure didn't end up being impressed. And I got to admit that once the turkey got cooked the stuffing didn't turn out quite as cool as I imagined. It sort of ran all over the oven.

Personally, I thought that smell was great from when the stuffing oozed all over the oven. Okay, I admit it was sort of burnt a little. And it did cause a lot of smoke.

However, outside of that I thought it was great. I do admit that I had plenty for myself seeing how Otis refused to try any.

I can remember too much after I ate some thought. I kind of dizzy and sort of ended up taking a nap.

Otis said I got sick on it. So much so he had to take me to the emergency room. True, I did wake up there, but I think he just took me there to make me believe something was wrong. Just because I left those marshmallows and other stuff in plastic bags doesn't seem to me that when they melted it would have caused me any problems when I ate them. Ah well, it just goes to show you never can tell for sure with what my buddy will come up to say about stuff. As for me, I just hope he gives me another try and making stuffing. Next time I think I'll try stuff in glass jars instead of plastic bags.

Thought for the week: "There is a saying about T for two. How many do the rest of us get from the other letters of the alphabet?"


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