Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Is this a good choice? I was sort of wondering how come it can't be like all or almost? That makes more sense that this all or nothing business.

Take sports for example. You generally have somebody or some group that end up the champions. They are the ones who get the all.

Then the ones who don't end up the champions end up with nothing or almost nothing. Either way it ain't nowhere as much good as the champion dudes.

The main thing that kind of bothers me with this deal is when the talk about something like World Champions. What bothers me is the fact that they say this group, team or guy is the World Champion of a given sport. Only nowhere do they ever show where the person or team actually beat the whole world.

I can't speak for anyone else, but I know when I see somebody who like the World Champion of say boxing I do have to question did he really beat up the WHOLE world. If so that is news to me since he never came around to try and punch me out. Which I guess I should be grateful for.

I just think before they go running around passing out these World Champion titles they ought to be able to prove the person actually did beat everyone in the whole wide world. And frankly with all the people there are on the planet you know that would take longer than an hour

Why they don't even provide a single place for you to go and sign up to wait for a chance to get beat up. It seems like they just are getting this done the right way if you ask me.

And I think I'm going to work on ways to improve that. Shoot we got this place here that they have professional wrestling. So I was thinking I might call them up and ask where the line forms for this World Champion dude to turn people into pretzels.

Not that I'm crazy about being turned into a pretzel, but I sure don't like some dude bragging he beat me up as part of the whole world when I never even met the guy. They way I figure I might even get lucky.

Yeah, I might wear the guy out by letting him punch me in the face enough times or having punched all the others before me that he might not win. I wonder what they would do then?

Guess I'll try to find out. Maybe not today though. I want to get in shape before I try to look up one of those World Champions anyway.

I'll probably start by lifting a whole bag of jelly beans and then work my way up from there. I reckon by the time I get to say three or four bags I might be ready to give those folks a call. But I'll just have to see how things go.


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