Monday, January 15, 2007


Personally this ain't my favorite think to do. It don't even make the list of fun things. Not in my case.

Oh I don't have anything against it. I just don't seem to have feet that do too well with this dancing thing. They kind of get awkward and cause me to stumble a lot. I sure don't get the hang of dancing to the tunes.

Anyway, my buddy Otis thinks he can dance real good. I'm not sure why he thinks that given the fact that he sure don't seem to be good at it.

If it were up to me I would call him "crinkle toes." That is because he kind of looks like his toes are all crunched and not happy when he's dancing. Plus the way he grits his teeth and calls it smiling makes it look as other than a good thing.

Actually, we don't get much chance to dance as a rule. About the only time we even try is at STINK's annual Trash Cotillion.

That is the one time a year when we have to dress up in those dark suits they call tuxedoes. Otis always goes and gets ours.

I'm not sure where he gets them, but I did find this business card once in one of the pockets. It was from some funeral home. He claims that was just a coincidence.

Although I do have to say it did smell funny. Sort of like you would smell in a funeral home from some embalming fluid.

In any case here we are stuffed in those dang suits and standing around trying to hold that small cup of yucky punch as well as some paper plate of stale cookies. And then during the middle of all of that they start the dancing thing.

Now at STINK if you don't bring somebody to dance with you end up having to dance with one of the ladies that works there as a secretary or clerk. They are okay I guess. Although they always smell like liquid paper.

At least that option is better than getting stuck dancing with Truly Grimy. Man, I'll do anything to avoid that. She always smells like that stuff she cooks and that ain't good for any nostrils.

I did try to get around that once by having Granny Potts join us. But she had a hard time dancing while using her walker. Plus she kept calling me Ed. And as far as I know she doesn't even know anyone named Ed.

But I reckon this year I'll get stuck going again. And that means wearing those dang suits again. Yawn! About the only good thing is that it is only once a year. I wonder if Otis will let me get a new pair of red sneakers for this one? I figure I might as well benefit somehow.


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