Friday, January 26, 2007


This sure is a dumb thing if you ask me. I mean who are you, but you. Is this a hard thing to figure out?

I guess it is for some people. Jeez, they got this thing call a who's who. It is some book as I understand it and they put a lot of people in it and tell about them.

What happen did these people run out of mirrors or something? Or do they have serious cases of amnesia?

You sure got to wonder if they need a book to look at themselves and know who they are suppose to be. Boy, talk about people having an identity crisis. You really are in big trouble if you have to keep this book around just be sure who you are.

It makes me wonder if there are like people running around who sell these books trying to confuse people and make them unsure of who they are. Yeah, that sounds like the kind of lame idea some people would pull.

Then once they got you all confused and junk they toss out the idea of buying this book so you can be sure of who you really are. What a bunch of lousy creeps that would do a mean thing like tha.

All I know is nobody is going to pull that stuff with me. I ain't going to buy it. I know who I am. I got a beanie with my name on it that I can look at any time I want to be sure it is still me.

Why my buddy Otis even helps me out. He wrote my name on all my underwear so i wouldn't forget they are mine too.

I call that being a thoughtful bud. He's the kind of dude who you can always rely on to be sure you don't forget who you are.

And thanks to him I also know how I'm more than just me too. See he explained all about how we once were this little bugs and then grew up eventually to become who we are now.

Those bugs were really smart and knew way back when how Spam was the only thing that would make you become who you are suppose to be. So that is why he always eats lot of Spam so he won't forget.

But he says putting my name on my underwear is good enough for me as long as he's around to remind me and as long as he keeps eating Spam to remind him. So I guess it all works out cool in the end.

Now all I have to do is make sure the ink with my name on my underwear does wear off when it gets wash at the same time my buddy would happen to run out of Spam. Then I might be in big trouble.

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: "How come there are dentist who remove teeth for tooth decay, but if your brain rots your stuck with the rotting part?"


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