Monday, January 29, 2007


I suppose that this is a good thing to somebody. I hear it over when I visit some pals of mine who are always talking about the ins and outs of whatever. It is like you have to have them or the thing isn't important.

Only they never say if these things have doors or what. Does end up making me wonder. And that always causes me to think real hard on something.

Now as I figure it in order for there to be an in and out to something then you need to be able to enter and to leave. Otherwise you could really have an in or an out.

At least that is the way I figure it. However it is just hard to figure how you can necessarily have an in and out so to something like say selling whatever.

But supposedly they do because I heard my one buddy talking about learning the ins and outs to selling these one things he tried to sell. I think they were some kind of vacuum cleaners.

Then with them since he sold them door to door as he explained it I guess the in and out wouldn't have been that hard to understand. What I'm not clear about is if he had to you know sell the door and vacuum with it or did he just sold them separately. I mean I'm sure not everyone needed a door. Well they probably didn't need vacuums either.

But I guess if you didn't have a door it would mean the wind would blow all kinds of dirt into your house so you would need a vacuum to get it clean up. So you have the in of putting the door up and taking the vacuum in the house. Then the out part would be about taking out all the dirt you sucked up with the vacuum.

I just wonder what stuff there was that you needed to learn on this deal that seems kind of simply. Maybe you had to learn how to be sure if the door swung the right way. Like in instead of out.

Still, that don't seem to be something that would take a long time to understand. However, I do know that not everyone figures out stuff the same way. So maybe somebody needs it all explained more than others.

As for me, well at the moment I'm not shopping for either a vacuum or door. I could use some more jelly beans.

Those I don't need to learn the ins and outs about. That part is easy. You go in the store and then you out the jelly beans by putting them in your mouth.

Anyway, I reckon there will always be a reason somebody decides they need to complicate this whole process. And that is okay by me as long as they don't bother me with it. Sometimes you just got to know when to say no. I imagine that can apply to ins and outs too.


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