Sunday, February 04, 2007


I get kind of confused on this thing a little. I mean sometimes with people if they think you are different it means they think you are weird. And the last time I checked that ain't exactly something that gives you a reason to smile.

But then I heard this politician talking about wanting to a make a difference. He made it sound like a thing you hammered together someway.

I'm thinking perhaps he was kind of talking about something he dreamt or whatever. I mean making a difference, but not saying what the difference is was not much help in my opinion.

Shoot, he could be talking about anything and that kind of concerns me. There are good kinds of different and some that aren't so good.

I know with my buddy, Otis, for example, different is the word he uses to talk about foods that he insists we try that we haven't tried before. And let me tell you some of those kinds of different are not ones that will make a person smile.

At least they don't make me smile. I guess they might be okay to some folks, but they sure aren't to me. So you'll have to excuse me here if I don't think having a grapefruit, sauerkraut flavored milk shake is the kind of different I can get excited about.

Now beyond when Otis gets in these moods to risk our tummies with some dark different food, there is also the different our boss, Dr. Hemoglobin, gets all excited about. Only with him you can be sure his different will involved more work for us.

I don't mind that providing he doesn't allow his son, rat boy, Junior Hemoglobin, get in on the different thing. He's different enough as it is. And he sure doesn't need any help in that department.

So I always refused to get too excited on this different thing when I hear it mentioned over at STINK. That is till I find out who is the one that is talking about different.

Course the worse kind of different I can think of is when Truly Grimy has a chance to make us something different for lunch. Let me tell you the one thing that doesn't help is biting into one of her ideas of food for any meal. A person can end up with a tummy needing a stomach pump and that is not a good kind of different in my view.

So if this politician dude was rambling on and on about different, all I can say is I hope his idea of making one is better than some that we have experienced. Gee I wonder if he will make it with some new taxes? It just seems that politicians can make much of anything unless it includes new taxes. They are funny that way. Only it ain't the kind of funny that makes most of us smile. That would definitely be a different that would really be different. Only I doubt any politician would ever consider working on that kind of making a difference would they?


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