Friday, February 02, 2007


I've seen those movies where you are told if you say something insulting to smile while you are saying it. Does this make it less insulting? I don't think so.

Oh well, I'm working this year on new approach to life. Well that is what Otis calls it every year in January when he decides we need to do things different.

Course he doesn't come right out and say I got to smile when I'm griping about some stupid thing he says we ought to do now, but he sure doesn't like it if I don't. As if smiling is going to make this darn change any less stupid.

Anyway, I've just come to figure that about December I better start practicing smiling a lot even if I don't feel like smiling. Because if there is one thing worse than this change business it is when Otis tries to cheer me up.

Which to be honest is even worse than the times he wants to make us do things different come January. My buddy can be pretty cool about stuff at times, but let me tell you trying to cheer me up over crap just don't work.

About the only good I can say that comes out of any of it takes place in February. That is because by then he's gotten bored with all that crazy changing stuff and I can go back to enjoying life again.

Plus that is about when he starts having to figure our taxes and let me tell you there ain't nothing that gets him more bummed out than doing that. Guess part of this January thing is his hoping it will eventually change the tax thing.

That hasn't happen yet, naturally. And I don't know if it ever will, but I know he sure wishes it would.

As for me, well heck I'm just glad when March finally gets here. That is because Otis finally calms down of the whole tax thing and completely forgotten the whole change thing.

For a while life stays pretty cool. At least till May. Then he starts seeing all those ads about summer and starts freaking out because he doesn't look at that cool in a pair of swimming trunks.

Why he worries about it I have no idea. We never go to the beach to swim anyhow. Mainly to stop by this place where they sell these really great burgers.

Oh well, I guess before I know it summer will come. Then hopefully we can just go out and play and pretend life is just fine as it is.

It sure sounds good. And maybe we can sometime just enjoy a day or month and smile when we don't say it.

Thought for the week: "How can you root for the good guys in politics when they never wear any hats that are black or white? Seems like it would be easier than just trying to figure out, which one is fibbing."


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