Saturday, February 03, 2007


Man there is nothing worse that coming home from work after a really lousy day and not having anything there that is good to eat. What really sucks is if you go to the kitchen and grab a snack like some donut and it turns out to be stale. Talk about disappointing!

Now all of that is listed on my list of number one pissers of a day. But there is an even worse list too.

That is the super duper bummer list. Those are the hard day's bites that are even a bigger pain in the butt.

Like say if you go out for take out and food and bring it home to discover it tastes like crap. Biting into some dried out, old donut is one thing. But bringing up a meal you expect to taste good and it is disgusting really ruins my mood.

This generally only happens to me if I trust to my buddy Otis to figure out what kind of fast food we ought to try. Here I am exhausting and starving with my tummy grumbling and he decides to try something new in terms of take out.

We got this one street not to far from our apartment where there are a whole of fast food places. Most are the usual ones you see anyway.

But there are also the new ones that have just opened to offer something they all different. As a rule these places don't last too long, but Otis still can resist giving them a try when we don't have anything decent to eat at home.

Now I don't mind if the place happens to you know offer say a burger that is a little different like added more cheese of something. But those are the type that they open.

We are talking about weird kinds of foods. Like if they open up a place that sells nothing, but raw vegetable that are served in a pirate's hat. Is this suppose to make them taste better? It sure doesn't to me.

Anyway, with my buddy, it seems like he gets brain drain or something. Because no matter how many times this comes out to be a disaster, he still is a sucker for a new place.

What I hate is when he goes out and brings the stuff home without me. Because I'm sitting thinking burger and fries and he brings home raw fish served with something that I don't even want to look at.

About the only good thing is normally I manage to find a way to get off to somewhere they have a vending machine. A few candy bars or other decent snacks manages to help take the edge off that disaster.

And if I'm lucky Otis doesn't find a stupid vending machine that sells health foods. The last thing I need when my tummy is empty is anything with the word "organic!"


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