Monday, February 05, 2007


Okay, I think I figured this one out. I was watching this movie about Stars fighting. I guess it happens with actors.

Anyway they had a bunch of dudes in weird outfits running around saying and doing weird things. It was a pretty good movie despite this one creep who walked around with what looked like a black lamp shade on his head and dressed in some black long johns or some thing as well as a cape.

Now his name was something like Darp Vayjerk or something. And I spent most of the movie talking funny like he had a cold. But when he wasn't talking funny he was saying something about the thing called the force.

As best as I could figure that meant it was something you could use. From what I understand the force is generally something say about the police.

So I reckon that he was you know talking about calling them a lot. Seeing how he was such a jerk I bet he probably called them with prank calls.

Well, he never did get in trouble for that. He should of. And I tried to help out with that problem.

I call up the local cops to explain how this jerk was causing trouble for them. And I do got to admit that they were nice and listen. At least till I got to the part where I told him his name.

That officer sure wasn't very nice about it after I mentioned that. In fact he said I might benefit from some therapy.

I don't think so myself. I mean my back is fine. I don't need one of those therapist dude to make it feel better. He probably gets a kickback or something for referrals.

Then he got really snooty and wanted to know my name. Well, heck I figured it wasn't a good idea to tell him my real name. I mean he would have probably put me on one of those mailing lists. And who needs that?

So I ended up giving him my neighbor's name and phone number. That was the best I could think off.

Which I think worked out okay because the cops never did come by to see my neighbor. And it wouldn't do any good anyway.

Because not too long after I talked to that policeman a couple of guys white coats showed up and took my neighbor with him in one of those coats where they tied the arms around back. I heard him kept shouting how this was a mistake and he didn't say anything about the force, but they didn't seem to care. Anyway, at least I know I'm not the only one who knows about the force and I guess that is a good thing.


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