Monday, February 12, 2007


This is such a joke if you ask me. I mean this wonderbar thing ain't any real wonder and it ain't a candy bar either. It is just this stupid saying that never seems to have any real benefit if you ask me.

It just seems like something a person decides to say like that really helps somehow. You just don't get anything good from saying it.

See, if they really wanted you to feel wonderbar, then how about handing you a really big candy bar? I think I would enjoy that kind of wonder as in wondering how long it took me to eat it. Now that is the kind of wonder I can live with.

But this wonder that is neither a wonder nor a bar is just pointless. Shoot, they could just stick with the idea of say handing are few candy bars in advanced of when they said, now that would be appreciated.

Actually, I guess the thing is I only hear this from a few people. That is the one good deal. At least I don't have to hear this all the time.

And I could perhaps cope with it coming from some people. I only see them once and a while, so we aren't at the candy bar level of friendship.

I just wish the one person who I hear this from and wouldn't want to hear it from would never say it. I'm speaking of old rat boy, Junior Hemoglobin. Man, he says this way too often to suit me.

And even when you try to get him to not say it he just keeps doing it anyway. Which makes it extra bad since the only way you can get him not to say this is to stuff some cheese in his mouth.

I suppose you could try candy bars, but the problem is he doesn't like candy as well as cheese. So he would end up spitting out the chocolate, wiping it off and then giving it to somebody else as a present. Yuck!

So to avoid that problem you end up stuffing him with cheese. That can be really expensive to at times.

At least I've done what I can to avoid him at lunch time. Because I think he has figured out how if he does this at lunch it will me he can get some more cheese, that stupid rotten creep.

However, that doesn't always work out. I have known him to change the time on the clock so we think it isn't lunch time. Then he walk in and change the clock and the moment he does that we know its wonderbar time. That darn rat is just too sneaky in that regard. I'm just glad I don't have to worry about it more often than I do. I can't afford all that extra cheese.


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