Thursday, February 15, 2007


Boy is this a big problem where I live. Well, I know it shouldn't be, but it is. Mainly because of my buddy Otis.

We just can never agree on what is consider as dirty to the point it needs to be washed. He thinks if you were something once that means it goes in the dirty clothes.

I don't agree. Once has from my view all different levels of meaning. For example, if you only put on a pair of socks for say a couple of hours then I figure they don't count as being dirty. My rule on socks is about eight hours, unless you have a really hot day.

Now underwear can be a little trickier to define. But I normally limit myself to four hours as a cut off. Any less just doesn't count. Which is even made easy when you got pants on so nobody will know the difference anyhow.

As for things like pants and shirts, heck, no stains, no foul. So it shouldn't be a big deal. After all, my feeling is no stain then no rain, um that is water sort of like from a washer.

Personally, I think that you know my approach to this whole deal is quite logical and most helpful. It saves using lots of water and as long you don't have to stand down wind because of the smell or the clothes stand up by themselves, then I figure it is no big deal.

But that isn't good enough for Otis. Man, he gets really annoying on this whole deal. I tell you he starts resorting to stuff like logic and that gets so dang frustration.

What I hate the most is how he gets around to saying junk about how grimefighters are suppose to be models of cleanliness. He's always bringing that part up.

Shoot, just because I'm suppose to be a model for cleanliness doesn't to me mean I can want to save water. And heck it ain't like too many people even notice that I am a model anyway

It ain't like there is any clean police running around arrest grimefighters for not being models. Come to think of it I guess as grimefighters we are the clean police. And I'm not going to arrest myself.

And you would think Otis would get with the program and appreciate that fact. But nooo, he just gets all pissy and acts like I'm being a poor example.

Which of course, I tell him I'm not. After all, when I wear my shirt, pants and other stuff that is not in need of washing by my definition, it is the perfect example of being what I want it to be.

I've tried to get Otis to accept that. But you know, he just refuses to accept this as a good example. I tell you there are times when there is no way to have a conversation come out in the wash no matter how much you stand down wind.


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