Saturday, February 24, 2007


This is a dumb idea from my point of view. Are you suppose to carry a measuring tape with you all the time or something?

And what if you screw up and the person is an inch taller or shorter? What will they do then, beat you for guessing wrong? They never bother to mention that part, which really sucks.

Plus they never bother to define exactly what they mean by picking. I mean does it apply to say picking lint off the person's clothes? Should size be a big deal then?

Or are we talking say, picking somebody else's nose. Of course that kind of picking size might count. You have to factor in the size of the person's nose and if you can reach it. Providing you would want to. Which wouldn't be my idea of fun though.

However, I'll never pretend to know what works for somebody else. That I can't do. Might be fun to try I guess, but seems like it would normally end up boring.

At least I don't have to make that the only idea of picking though either. We know there are other kinds.

I just am not sure I can think of too many that would necessarily relate to size. Perhaps if you were say picking on someone who say was on fire it might manner.

Although I do wonder I guess if you say someone on fire if you would be trying to pick off anything from them. More like wanting to pick up a bucket of water and drench them.

Then there is something like picking the dandruff off somebody's shoulder. That could be tricky you understand.

Some people got this thing though about stuff like that. They might get all bent out of shape if you were to say do that without their permission.

That is another thing they don't bother to mention from my point of view. Some people can really freak out if they think you are getting weird on them. Then you can really get in big trouble.

Maybe I'll see if I can find a book that has rules on this subject. Yeah, that's it, I'll check with the Reverend Analbe. If there is a rule about something he would know it.

And if there isn't I bet he would know where to check. He does know God personally and all.

Until I get that chance I reckon I'll just cling to idea that picking is better done when you can be sure nobody is going to be bashed in the process.


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