Sunday, February 25, 2007


I suppose this could be a good thing. Depending on who you were. After all a big mouth would mean you had a bigger chance at eating more food at one time.

I know you can like take more bites, but if you were in a big hurry it would make things easier. You know more things stuff in at one time would be great.

See the nice thing would be to me that it would allow you to ultimately eat more. But then the really nice thing is how you could go somewhere like a buffet that is one of those all you can eat deals.

And while you were walking down the row of food you could stuff twice as much in your mouth. Nobody would even complain.

Which is a big problem now. Because when I go to some buffet and put stuff in my mouth they sometimes get really bent out of shape over it when I reach the cashier.

The way I figure it shouldn't be a big deal. I mean I am going to pay for it. Just because my cheeks look like I'm a chipmunk shouldn't be a big deal.

But it is to them. They get all bent out of shape. And frankly I think they are being down right unreasonable if you ask me.

Like when I had my plate and was standing in line. Okay, I forgot to pickup my silverware. Is that any reason for them to freak out on me?

I didn't think so. There I was in line and all the food looked good. So what was the problem of me wanting to taste the food before I actually put some on my plate?

Seemed like a reasonable choice to me. So as I was walking, I took the big server spoons and used it to taste the stuff before sticking some on my plate.

Boy did they freak out over that. You would think I had blown my nose or something on the food the way they were acting.

I guess for now, I don't have to worry about it much though. They sort of decided it would be a good idea if I didn't go back to eat there again.

I don't know if I would want to anyway. As far as I'm concerned a place that says it is all you can eat and then has a bunch of rules about what constitutes eating is kind of strange anyway.

I think that is false advertising. The food did go in my mouth just like it is suppose to do. So how come they care how I got it into my mouth. I ate it right? They sure never bothered to mention that part on anything with the all you can eat thing. I guess it is like to many things where people say one thing and mean another.


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