Friday, March 02, 2007


I don't know who came up with this idea, but personally, I think they were sick in the head. Who in the world needs a spray made from bugs?

What in the world good is it for anyway? I'm not sure I want to know. I realize that there are all kinds of people out there and so many have different ideas of what is cool.

So I'm a happening enough kind of person to say, "Alright, different soaks for different folks." At least I think that is the way it works. Strokes, soaks, it has something to do with some kind of weird touching.

But I don't think I would prefer to you know, be given too many details on the bug spray. I just think having them explain how they smash up all those bugs and then pour that juice into the can would do it for me.

However, it must really make some happy. After all if it didn't they wouldn't have bug spray in grocery stores.

I really hate to think of what they spray that bug stuff on that they give you to eat. I know I wouldn't care to find out for myself.

Nope, they can have it for themselves. And whatever they do with it is up to them. Course I can't help wondering you understand.

It does kind of make me a little curious. I'm thinking that perhaps it works good with something like say a casserole. You can put all kinds of crude in one of those and it is no big deal.

At least as long as you don't tell anyone. Ketchup and sauce can pretty much hide anything disgusting.

But like I said, that is one of those things I just wouldn't prefer to know myself. Why over at STINK the cook is always fixing these casseroles.

For the most part we have a don't ask, don't tell policy. We don't ask and he doesn't tell what is in the casserole.

As long as it doesn't have any special weird lumps or thinks moving, then I'm cool. You know it just occurred to me that I never have checked to see if he has any bug spray in the kitchen.

Um, I think if I go over there and do see some, I'll make darn sure he eats some of the casserole first. If he won't then I'll see if we can sucker into eating it first.

With Junior he wouldn't care anyway. When it comes to food as long as it has cheese in it he doesn't care. Hmmm, I wonder if the bug spray has cheese in it?

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: "I hear people talk needing prove as to if there is an afterlife. Only they never mention after what? I assume they mean the weekend or retirement. But what kind of complete boring person can't even tell when it is a weekend?"


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