Monday, March 05, 2007


I think car trips can be lots of fun. Oh I ain't talking about stuff like you know going to the grocery store. That doesn't count as a trip to me.

My buddy Otis does though. See he can be such a picky dude on stuff like that. I really hate when he does that.

See to me it don't count unless for starters it is long enough that you have to stop to fill up. And for me I don't mean for gas.

Oh you do have to go to a gas station. Um pardon me, that is what you call a convenience store these days. Yeah the places that makes it so darn convenient to get all kinds of crap besides gas.

So to me that really is a major deal in terms of what I call a trip. I need something to sip that gives my tummy cause to do some flips.

And I'm sorry, going to the grocery store just ain't the same. Oh it is true that you can find plenty of good crap there. No question about it, but it just isn't as convenient as say those gas fill up places.

For one thing in grocery stores they ain't got the usual group of cool soda fountain drinks. Oh you can get those six pack or liter bottles, but not in a nice big cup full of pop and ice.

Plus they always have all those wonderful hot snacks like burgers and hot dogs and tons of condiments. It is just such a cool place to visit.

Now I did try to do that at the grocery store once. And let me tell you they sure weren't very convenient about it.

I thought if I was paying for it then what was the big deal. So I opened up a package of hot dogs and condiments and buns. Then you know I had to have a drink. So I got some ice and found a cup and some pop. Plus you can't have a decent hot dog feast without some chips and candy bars and also donuts, cake and other stuff.

Well shoot I thought I was doing a pretty snazzy job of making the best of this situation. There I was sitting in the aisle on a couple of cases of dog food having a good time when this manager came up and looked really pissed.

I mean I don't know what the big deal is. There ain't no signs anywhere that say you have to take the food home to eat it. Shoot I even offered to share.

Okay, so I did sort of get carried away with the ketchup. Heck, anyone can miss a hot dog due to bad aiming. And just because it did squirt all over two aisles that does mean he had to freak out over it.

Well i do agree accidentally squirting him with ketchup while explaining might not have been a gone option. But I really don't think he needed to toss me out of the store. Oh well, there are other stores I can go to anyway. Done it before.


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