Wednesday, March 07, 2007


To me there really isn't that much different between these and executive decisions. Other than with command decisions they always end up with do this or else!

And unlike the executive type, some times these come from really big dudes with no neck or sense of humor. That doesn't improve the good part of them.

Unless you like the choice of either being beaten senseless or doing what somebody says. It's not exactly my idea of a cool form of decision.

Now the tough part is where no matter what happens you know you are going to end up with a headache. Like when they make us go on sewer patrol. You just know that even if you don't get clobbered in the head by somebody's command decision bat or whatever, the smell will give you a headache.

That ain't my idea of a command anything good decision. It just plain sucks. And I'm glad those darn no neck dudes don't bug me that much.

Which is managed by making sure I do what I can to find some place convenient to do chores whenever I get wind of them considering this option. I just wish I never slipped and missed out on the warning.

But that is one of the things you live with. I do my best to avoid thinking about it too much. It just makes me nuts.

I did learn one thing through all of this. Never trust if somebody claims they have a map to help you hide from the command decisions dude.

Oh I got suckered in on that one admittedly. And boy did I learn my lessons. Those darn rats try to convince me that they had this map that showed you this place that was invisible to others so you could hide there and nobody could find you.

I paid them for the map, but didn't actually get a chance to use it. I ended up getting busy and not actually having time to try and check it out.

The thing was they also sold the same map to several other grimefighters. Only I didn't find out tell later.

And boy was I glad I didn't get to join them. Turns out that this darn jerks made up this thing where they told you that you couldn't get inside the invisible place unless you were wearing only your birthday suit.

Well, I sure wouldn't have been thrilled by that choice. And what made it worse was this supposed hiding place was located in this park. Behind some trees. At least that is what they claimed.

But the cops that found them hardly were in a mood to listen. They let the shrinks the guys have to see now do that.


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