Friday, March 09, 2007


Of all the decisions there are, these are the ones I hate the most. They suck the most. My opinion and that is what counts with this blog. I don't take votes on that part.

What I'm talking about in this case is junk where somebody says they have decided you need to do something a certain way and you are already doing it that way. I put this in the category of dumb and stupid crap you can't stomach, but have to put up with it anyway.

That doesn't mean I have to like it. And you can be sure I don't try pretend about it either.

Which I wish was true for my buddy, Otis. Now don't get me wrong. My pal is the best bud a guy could have. Only at times I wish he would stop taking all those darn nice pills.

Well, I suppose I wouldn't have him give them up all the time or completely. If it weren't for those darn nice pills then he wouldn't be such a sucker or push over about making sure I got jelly beans when I wanted them.

So that leaves me in one of those quandary things. That is when you know you have to make a really sucky type of decision.

I have to choose between having my buddy get less nice pills so he can use his brain to think up some really cool lie or excuse to get us out of coping with dumb and stupid decision or getting less jelly beans. And let me tell you for a guy like me those are not good choices.

I mean having to put up with the dumb and stupid decision people is enough to make me puke at times. And let me tell you I sure don't mind getting a break from them.

But that is where I have to get concerned. Now I suppose I could figure a way to say stock up big time on jelly beans first. Then if Otis didn't take his nice pills I could manage I bet.

Only problem is that the last time I tried saving up jelly beans I ended up stuffing myself to the point I nearly passed out from the sugar rush. At least I think I didn't pass out. It is hard to remember for sure.

Anyway, no sense risking that again I figure. Don't see any value you know in taking any chances. I hate eating and enjoy jelly beans and then can't remember it. Seems like a real waste.

So for now, I'll just reckon, I'll let Otis keep his nice pills. Then I can sit back and work more on the dumb and stupid decision make people who really aren't making a decision. Yeah, that will definitely be worth doing. Gonna be sure I get plenty of jelly beans for a good think too.

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: "Why do they call it sponge cake if you can't use it as a sponge to clean up anything?


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