Thursday, March 08, 2007


I reckon one of these days I'll get over this whole decision thing. Probably when I have a chance to stop having people make me deal with stupid decisions.

The way I see it is if you want to make a decision for yourself, no big deal. But if you expect me to be happy making me do crap just because you want it done that way, do not expect me to do the happy dance.

I think what makes me the most crazy is when the person has to make a decision and can't make up their mind. Jeez, makes me want to strangle them.

But my buddy Otis sort of gets upset about that approach. Hey, I always stop when they black out. So I wish he would cut me some slack on that subject.

However, he just likes to be what he calls patient. Which to me is standing there and smiling while some yo-yo mumbles over whether or not to make a given choice.

I wouldn't mind you know if they just did that on their own, but they always expect us to stand there looking stupid like we don't have anything better to do. And the real pisser is they don't even care.

You can't look at your watch a million times, mention how much you have to do and they still will pick their nose and act like you have all the time in the world. Which again to me is a situation that merits strangling the rat.

I would even settle for you know just getting a chance to whack them a few times till they got off their duff and make a stupid decision. But once again my buddy, who I do get stressed during certain times to still call my buddy, says no to that too.

He wants us to do what he calls reason together. I don't care how much so called reasoning you want to do. If you don't end up getting some jerk to make up his mind it is a waste of time.

My way is so much quicker. You get the satisfaction of solving the pain in the butt part without wasting a lot of time.

However, it really bugs me that I fail to get Otis to appreciate that form of reasoning. He just says violence never solves anything.

And I keep trying to explain to him the reason it never solves anything is because he never gives me a chance to prove otherwise. I mean I'm not talking about big time violence, just you know, enough to get the message across.

I know, perhaps if I come up with a bashing quota. Yeah, that's it, I just have to let him see I can handle this thing is a way that involves reasoning. Which comes down to me figuring out the best reason to give him for bashing that jerk. I'll work on it.


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