Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Well, being picky can be a good thing I guess. No biggie from my point of view. There are times when you just got to say no. I've heard that mention as being important.

Which makes sense too. You got to say no to junk like when some jerk wants to you settle for crap that you don't have to settle for.

That's when you have the right to get picky and just say no to that kind of crap. Yeah! And if they don't listen, that is when you resort to other than words. A bat says no big time you know!

Only you have to be sure my buddy Otis isn't around at the time. He doesn't have much appreciation for that kind of saying no.

I even tried to get a ruling from him on you know not messing with him saying no when it applies to my saying no my way to rat boy Junior. He deserves that kind of no, all the time in my opinion. But Otis says no, which ain't the kind of no I like to hear.

I'm working on a way to take care of that problem though. That is where the sticky aspect comes in.

I call it making a diversion. What I do is make a mess, but I have to do it in a way that nobody actually can tell I did it. And that means no jelly beans naturally.

Anyway, I have to figure it in a way where Otis ends up having to clean it up and then while he's doing it, I can get my bat to say no to Junior. So far I haven't worked out a way to do this very well.

But I haven't given up on it. It is just a matter of timing. I have to figure stuff like making sure I have the junk to make a mess without Otis finding out about it.

That is a lot tougher than it sounds you know. I mean since he does all the shopping I can't ask him to pick up a bunch of crap for me.

Because if I do he ends up asking questions like what it is for. Then I would have to figure a good way of telling him some lame excuse so I didn't mention the real reason.

Nope that would never do. Even I know I couldn't get Otis to buy some stuff. Well, I know it better now.

I mean I wish I had appreciate that before telling him I wanted five gallons of syrup for a defense against any alien pancakes that might try to invade. Yeah, that worked really great.

But next time I know, I'll do better. Oh yeah, next time I'll tell him it is alien waffles. That ought to work.


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