Monday, March 19, 2007


Okay, what kind of a maniac thinks a fart is a home. I heard somebody say something this saying in this movie once.

At least I think that is what he said. I was busy eating popcorn at the time and drinking lots of pop. So I ended up farting and belching at the same time when I heard them saying about the home thing.

I won't say I might have not misunderstood part of it. But I'm pretty sure a fart probably figured in there somewhere.

Because the one thing I do know is that farting and homes, especially if you are alone really go together. It is sort of safe option.

You get to stink the place up and nobody is there to complain. So you can just let it rip and feel good that it is nice and safe. Smelly, but oh so safe compared to having to cut one in a public place and find somebody to blame it on.

The home is so cool in that regard. At least providing you plans things right in the fart area.

Depending you know on factors like if you have anyone coming over soon. And also how good the can of air freshener you have works.

Because let me tell you if it don't work right and good enough, you can think up a good enough lie to cover over the facts of a really stinky air. Timing in that sense is everything.

Hopefully, you do know when you are going to have visitors. Because if they show up unexpectedly, you could be in big trouble.

And if it happens to be somebody like the Reverend Analbe you could be in a big trouble. With him, farting is a sin. At least he seems to act like it is.

So that last thing I want is to suddenly have some eye watering kind of fart and then have him knock on the door. Because if he smells it, he ends up telling God and that is even worse.

I really hate to think of having God's nostrils find out how much I can stink the place up. I'm sure he's got bigger things to worry about anyway.

Hopefully, he is busy when the Reverend Analbe is talking to him anyway. Hmmm, I wonder if God has an answer machine?

Well, I think from now on I'm going to be sure, I find out where the Reverend is when I'm in my apartment by myself.


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