Monday, April 02, 2007


Rolls really are important. They are one of the four basic food groups. You got all things bread, it fits in there somewhere. That is almost as important as the sugar group, which includes pies, jelly beans, cakes, jelly beans, chocolate, jelly beans, ice cream and of course jelly beans.

Course that can get a little tricky when you consider things like brownies. They sort of fall under the bread category, but also can be included in the sugar group. For me it just depends on what I eat with them. You know if I just eat say ten or twelve brownies and nothing else, I put them in the sugar category.

If I happen to eat them with say a sandwich or pizza then I put them under the bread category. I like to keep that part a little simple you understand.

In any case, I hope you can appreciate how rolls are really important. Why you can have a decent meal for stuff like a steak and potatoes without a few dozen rolls. Shoot it just doesn't work.

And there are times when man, I don't like to take any chances. You know for example if I happen to being having a burger. They got meat in the burger. Well at least I believe it is suppose to be meat.

In any case, I figure it is best to not risk offending any roll dues that might be watching what I'm doing. So I just make sure I'm including say a dozen rolls to be safe.

Actually, I suppose there is a formula for the correct number of rolls for each thing you eat. Not sure where you can find it, but I'm sure it is around somewhere.

Probably best to like check with the roll experts. I reckon you would have to go to some donut shop to find them

Oh I reckon you could try a bakery, but then they might get confused over the whole roll things what with the issue of brownies and all. Whereas with donut places, well they wouldn't have the same problem.

I suppose you could get with that group called the Food and Drug Administration. Yeah, if they aren't too busy doing all that administrating junk they could probably take care of explaining about the roll thing.

But whatever you do, don't ask any musicians. Them people you can't trust. I mean anyone who talks about rocks and rolls together obviously doesn't know when a roll is really too stale.

Now as for the rest of us, well I figure we are okay on the roll thing. Just eat six with every meal and you'll be okay. Providing you don't end up you know having too many brownies at the same time.


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