Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Now normally for me double is always the way to go. I'm speaking of with burgers. You know sort of like double your pleasure.

But there are times when single is actually better. I've been working on this concept that you really get more condiments when you get two single patty burgers that just one double patty.

I'm still in the research phrase you understand. I figure this will take awhile. I need to be sure of my facts before making a decision for sure.

So I spend my spare time over at the burger joints testing out this whole idea. And right now what I do is order say six single burgers and three double burgers. Just the two to one ratio seems to work pretty good.

The big problem is trying to make sure I can double check the total amount of condiments before I eat them both. See, from my way of seeing it a double burger has the same size bun as a single burger. You just have more space in between the buns with the double burger.

So you also have more chance with the single burger to drown in better in the good stuff. Not sure what all you qualify as a condiment.

To mean I consider it to be anything I can stuff in a burger that tastes good. Try different stuff and some works better than others.

Peanut butter can be good. It helps the stuff stick together pretty good. I like that option. Only they don't let you get any peanut butter at the fast food place so you have to bring you own. That can be such a pain.

The other option I thought of is ice cream. Only you risk it melting. Unless you order say a milk shake and pour it on the burger.

Hey some people might think that was weird. But let's be honest, when you eat a burger and fries and have a milk shake does your tummy really know the difference? I don't think so.

The big problem is making sure that your eyes can handle the look. I mean when you look at the big mess and think that is what my tummy sees is can sort of bug you a little.

However, I get passed that problem by just adding more condiments. It sure cuts down on worry about what it looks like when buried under a gallon of ketchup.

Just a little helpful hint for what it is worth. And another slant on this that perhaps I'll just put a single and double burger together. Now that might be the best idea yet. Hmmm, I wonder how much ketchup that will hold? Guess I will find out.


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