Saturday, April 14, 2007


Now my first problem with this is the idea of somebody eating my whatever. That is definitely not my idea of fun.

So I think the first priority here is to be sure one gets clear on what the my part involves. In my case it better not include my jelly beans. There are just some things I won't mess with.

As for other stuff, well the first rule is that it has to be edible. I know there are those weirdoes out there who think some pretty strange stuff can be eaten.

You got to worry about them. I tell you there is nothing more scary than to have some clown decide that you can eat junk like say grubs. Heck I don't even know what grubs are, but I know they don't sell them at the candy store.

And I've never seen any grub aisle over at the grocery store either. They don't even have them in cans either. That is something you really have to worry about.

So the way I figure they must keep these grubs somewhere else. I don't think I want to find out either.

Meanwhile, back to this eating my thing. Hey, I'm sorry, but it just doesn't work for me. It just down right sucks.

All I know is that I sure don't plan on letting any of those dudes give me any of there my stuff. Not if all they can come up with is some darn grubs. Sounds like a pretty crummy approach to me.

Anyway, the way I figure it is best if I just concentrate on my own eat my stuff. And mainly to keep it safe from those guys.

Let's face it if all they have to deal with is some lame grubs they would probably see my eat stuff as really great. Yeah, that is just what I need to have some lousy dude with no idea of good stuff wanting to get his hands on my stuff.

Man if one of those dang grub dudes comes around you can be sure I will not let him touch my stuff. That will definitely not do.

All I have to do then is find out what a grub is. Maybe it is some kind of shrub? Yet, I bet it is.

Not sure what kind though. Perhaps an extra green kind. So it was like a shrub that looks even greener that a regular shrub.

Oh well, that is something to figure out later I reckon. Right now I'm going to hide my stuff to keep it safe.


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