Thursday, April 19, 2007


Come on is this a hard concept to understand? I mean if you have a trash can full of garbage you take it out and put it in the big container where the trash man, being me, can pick it up.

How tough is that to do? Well let me tell you it is obvious really hard for some people, if not down right impossible. What's the deal with that?

Do these clowns have some special use for the trash and need to hold onto it for some reason? God I hope they are doing something sick and twisted with it.

That would be awful. Honestly, I hate to think what these weirdoes are doing behind closed doors. It would be awful.

But apparently it is something strange. Because I don't know how many times when I'm out picking up the trash and some clown comes out at the last minute to put his trash bag in the big trash can.

Now I try to be understanding even though they could cut us some slack on that part. I mean they do have all week to stick that junk out. Do they have some reason they love keeping in their house?

I ask that before and let me tell you it gives me the shakes just to imagine it. And one of these days I'm definitely going to find out what these people are going.

Being a grimefighter I do feel a special need to do that. Yeah, it is sort of like my sacred duty.

That is what Otis calls it when we have to do something that other people might think of as being a pest. Yep, it is so much fun when you can break down a person's door before sun rise and shout stop in the name of clean.

I just wish people would get the hang of that without getting so silly about acting guilty. I mean when you break down their door, they come staggering out looking all daze and confused.

And that to me is a big clue they are guilty of something. Oh sure they like to pretend they are not guilty, but I think that is them faking it.

Pity they don't just cooperate and tell the truth. It sure would be easier on them. Yeah, a whole easier.

That way I wouldn't have to beat them senseless as much. Just enough to be sure they stopped talking. And moving around or trying to resist. I get a lot of that. People who are guilty always do that. Course I don't always take time to give them a chance to confess. Betting beating one dude just because than to risk you know letting a bad guy get away with something.


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