Friday, April 20, 2007


Okay, I get it, this is a good thing. And real important for businesses I reckon. At least for some businesses.

Can't say if that works for STINK. I never get to ask about how much profit we make. I don't even have any idea you know how much we get to charge for saving the world from filth and grime.

Or if we really do. See STINK does collect garbage and do dirty diapers too. We are what they call er, diversified. Yeah, we do get kind of grumpy and argue at times. but though we diversified in what we agree about and disagree we still manage to get our jobs done.

But I suppose we do okay on that profitable stuff in that sense. Just not sure how much they get for hauling crap around.

Besides, the one thing I know, is that I don't get to get any extra money because of it. Wish I did.

So profitable obvious don't mean profit for all. Now that would be the kind of profitable I would really find as cool.

But you can be darn sure that our boss Dr. Hemoglobin sure ain't going to let us have that option. Nor will he ask our opinion.

Because if he did, I'd make it simple. Just give me more. Yeah, that is all I want, more. Is that too much to ask?

I guess it is for our boss. I mean he has the nerve to expect me to explain what I mea by more. Now is that crazy or what?

How hard it is to figure out what more is? Jeez is this really that complicated? Not to me. More is just more. As in everything you like.

Now that is the part, which gets kind of fuzzy. Because for my boss, more never applies to anything I like.

He sure has made that clear. So we never get around to the more that fits my idea of more. And let me tell you when it comes to the profitable kind of more he sure doesn't have the idea of more in a way that makes me feel full of profit.

I guess I'm going to keep thinking this through though. It has been said where there is a will there is a clay. All I got to do is find somebody who just died that left behind a lot of modeling clay and I'll be all set.

Then maybe I can you know trade the clay for more of something and won't have to worry about Dr. Hemoglobin as much.

Thought for the week: "There are voting booths and phone booths. But do they let you call why voting? If so can it be collect?"


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