Saturday, April 21, 2007


My question is who decides this worthy business? I figure it is a fair question. It is like up to a judge or something? If so does this person have an education to figure that part out?

What I want to know is where do I go to get the same education. I just would enjoy getting a chance to give it a shot myself.

After all, I can see when something is good without all that extra learning. So heck it might be even easier with some education. Not sure how much.

Man, I might even teach them along the way. I don't mind sharing. That is what some call it.

I don't mind that part, but shoot some people got some weird ideas on that concept. Oh believe me I have tried that sharing a lot. All over the place with all kinds of people.

And for some reason after I try it with some people they never seem to be able to make time to do it again. I guess the problem is that too many people just can't handle the facts. You do what you can to help them and it just doesn't get appreciated.

Which is a real shame. How can I be expected to really help out with this whole deal with regards to something like figuring out how worthy a person is if they don't give me a chance.

Oh well, I figure that is there loss. Yeah, if they don't care to have me share what is worthy then it is there loss not mine.

But the nice part is how you can still get to the bottom of this whole deal without worry about those people. Oh yeah, that is an easy thing to accomplish if you work at it.

All you have to do is go over to this arcade place near where I live. They got this machine in there that will tell you your fortune.

And let me tell you it is always great. So I figure it wouldn't say that if it wasn't for them really knowing I was worthy.

Imagine, all that fuss and muss to wonder if you are worthy and some company went to the trouble to make a machine to be sure the told you how worthy you are. I say that means I'm worthy of a lot.

And who knows, it just means to me that it is a good thing for them to go to the trouble. Oh yeah, a real good thing. So I'm going to be happy about that part. You just know I'm going to tell lots of people too.

Providing they are busy doing their jogging again when I'm headed in their direction.


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