Sunday, April 22, 2007


I see these in the store at times. Those little sticks of beef that you can buy to eat. And I wonder what is the big deal?

Is this Slim Jims dude kind of a cheapskate in terms of portions? I guess with a name like Slim he must be. And since it is Jims, I assume there is more than one.

Now where do you happen to find another dude name Jim who happens to love selling skinny slices of dry meat? Amazing ain't it?

Yeah you got to wonder where you would even find a person like that? Guess that is possible. Maybe in the personals on the internet. They got all kinds of weird stuff on there so I imagine it is possible.

Just not sure I want to find out, that's all. And however it happen, obviously how many Jims there are, they sure have decided treat this meat thing the same way.

I heard that great minds think alike. I wonder if that applies to cheap minds too? Seems like it.

In either case, I don't waste much time with those things. Don't look like they worry about my business much.

I am sort of curious if they by chance are somehow connected with that crazy dude Beef Jerky. He seems really strange too.

At least there is only one of him. And apparently he doesn't mind you know if he happens to tell the whole world he has some problem that makes him a jerk.

Suppose it might be some kind of handicap. In which case it might be a good thing he has found a cool way of making a buck despite that problem.

Anyway, for now I'm just happy to be able to know Phil dude hasn't branch out to jelly beans. Wouldn't want to see them made a lot more skinny.

So for now, I'll just not worry about them. They can be happy doing whatever. But as long as they don't start messes with jelly beans then that is cool.

Funny how you always got to watch out for those crazy people who get so caught up doing weird junk. It really can be such a pain.

But you can hardly work out making this deal less than a so-so deal. Otherwise if you do something to a so-so deal, it could get crazy and cost a lot. Frankly those Jims charge enough as it is, I don't want to give them an excuse to make it worse. However, with these dudes, gosh you never know. Which is the big problem. Never knowing is such a pain.


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