Wednesday, April 25, 2007


For me this is kind of like the word enough, only more so. Because you have more than enough. You have, well plenty.

Hopefully this is a good kind of plenty. I mean you can plenty of all kinds of stuff that is other than the type of plenty you want.

You can for example have plenty of say gas. As in the kind that makes you fart big time. That is not something I want plenty of let me tell you that.

Which I think is not my idea of a good time. Might work for some people, but not me. Nope, I'll pass on that type of plenty.

Then there are the plenty that really don't matter much. They sort of aren't good or bad. Just there.

Like having plenty of air. Not sure how you would even decide that part. I mean you can't see it, you just have to tell yourself it is there.

That is okay, but not sure I feel great about it. Just kind of like, well cool I do get to breath, that is nice.

In any event, that is one on you know, the calendar where hopefully they give away free junk, you can sort of look forward to plenty. Because it normally means food.

An generally, I don't care how much food you got, it is never plenty. You might hear somebody say there is plenty, but let me tell you it sure doesn't take long before plenty becomes enough and then all gone. Yep, it happens that fast.

Which is why my rule with food is if you say you got plenty, I tend to be skeptical. It is amazing how people will say things like they have enough to feed an army.

But all I can say it sure is a small army if you ask me. Not impressed at all. Oh that can be so disappointing when they say plenty and by the time you get your plate full it is down to not even enough.

Well I keep myself ready for such occasions. I always make sure that I have my own version of plenty before I got to some event.

That means at times doing stuff like you know eating before hand. It is hard to be sure how much is enough, but we do work on it.

I don't know, I just have been working on keeping that part straight and working it out in realistic terms. That means being sure I got my tummy appeased without being too full. I'm still working on that part.

And I bet I'll figure it out too. In time. Till then I just am no stranger at fast food places.


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