Thursday, May 03, 2007


Well, I reckon if being first is normally good then being last would suck. Again that depends on the situation. I mean being picked last to be put in front of a firing squad would be good. Course it would be a hopeful thing to pray they ran out of bullets before they got a chance to shoot you.

Last ain't cool though when you are talking about waiting in line for something. And it is extra crappy if you are last in line for say dinner.

Let me tell you, at STINK, the poor dude at the end of the line is lucky if there is anything left when you get there. Because we do work like a team, but when it comes to food, it is every grimefighter for himself.

Yeah, you can forget anyone standing there and thinking, I better leave some for the next guy. It just doesn't happen. Nice if it did, but it doesn't.

So that is why when it comes to lunch time you can be pretty darn sure, nobody dares to be late. That is one thing you only risk when they have their casserole surprise. It is too often one where Truly Grimy has helped fix it and that is something that inspires a lot of us to try going on a diet. At least for that meal.

Course you can't tell her that. Otherwise she would end up wanting to fix something else that would make us puke big time.

Outside of that problem I guess the basic time we really hate to be late too is on payday. Yeah, nobody likes being late for getting paid.

Plus the problem is that rat boy, Junior Hemoglobin, often ends up giving out the last few paychecks. And there is nothing that can ruin a perfectly good pay day than having to put up with that dude.

That is because he'll sit there and make all this snide comments about how you are overpaid. Which sure don't make you want to say thank you.

Not me at least. More like I would prefer to say whack. Only Otis sort of convinced me that was not what he called tactful.

Which is his way of telling me if you can't avoid being seen by witnessing then forget about it. Oh, he never says it that way, but it is pretty much what he means.

And I've been working on it. Only so far I just can figure a way to avoid there being witness on payday.

Hmmm, I wonder if being really late would do it? Yeah, I could say, what bat? Sure it works for Otis when he says what Spam when they want to know why some is missing. Guess it is worth a shot.


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