Wednesday, May 02, 2007


Now this is lots of fun. Oh yeah, being first is so cool. Well, most of the time at least. I have to admit that there are times when being first may not be that great.

They just don't count as most of the time. So I'm not that thrilled at mentioning them since they aren't that big of a deal.

But I suppose I ought to mention them just the same. For the benefit of those who might be wondering.

See, being first is good if it is for something where you get something great in the process. Like say standing in line to get some jellybeans. Now being first in that line really would be cool.

On the other hand, which really sucks at time, since you can't be sure it is clean, there are those moments when being first could be painful. Such as if you are first in line when Bugly Ugly Savage decides he's in the mood to turn some people into pretzels.

That kind of first is definitely not cool. And you can be sure that whenever I hear he is in one of those moods I am the first to find a nice safe place to hide.

Now another first I don't want to have to endure is when that rat boy creep Junior decides to try and make me first on his assignment list. I do have to put up with assignments, but it doesn't mean I do the happy dance when he wants to stick me with some really crummy assignment.

And you can pretty much know if Junior has his way he going to be sure he sticks me first and foremost with the worst assignment he can think of. That is one thing I have learned I can expect from that jerk.

Oh it isn't just me. It will do that to Otis too. So he doesn't get thrilled about being first with Junior. We both just make sure we do what we can to avoid that option whenever possible.

It can be tricky though. I mean when it comes to thinking up ways to make people feel like crap, Junior is sure first in that department.

The only exception is when he's looking for someone to pick up some cheese order. Now that is when it really can be fun.

Because you can count on Junior to be sure you get the best wheels to drive so it won't break down. Plus he will also take care of seeing that you don't have any problems that might interfere with making that pick up.

The big problem is being first on that list. Sometimes we have to be first on the other list before he will let us be first on the cheese list. What can I say, it is a living.


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