Saturday, May 19, 2007


This is one of those flower deals. That's when they like suddenly look so extra cool. Before that they sort of look kind of boring like they are sleeping.

Which is okay I guess. As long as you don't get stuck having to sit around and wait for the thing to blossom. You know like it has to make up its mind it is time to look cool.

Personally, I think that sucks. What gives these darn flowers the right to be that finicky? I mean how come it is okay for them to do stuff like that when if something else did it we would get totally pissed off?

I don't know, it just don't seem fair to me. And I know if I have my way, I'm going to fix that problem.

In fact I call up a flower shop just to check on how they could improve that problem. My first thought was you could spend more time inspiring those flowers.

I mean I got no idea what gets a flower excited, but I'm sure there is something that does it. Just not sure what.

And that what I tried to find out from the flower dude that answered the phone. Man you would have thought he had some reason for not telling me.

It was like you know, he would have messed up his flower business by talking about it. Like trying to get me to believe he couldn't control when flowers end up blooming.

Does anyone expect me to buy that nonsense. The man is a flower dude. He works with them and handles them, shoot I bet he even talks to them. And he thinks for one cotton picking minute I'm going to accept he doesn't know all there is about when they bloom?

I'll tell you one thing, man you can be sure I let him know that I didn't think his not telling me was a good thing. Well, I won't say what he said in return, but it sure wasn't thank you.

So now, I'm going to check this out another way I suppose. Just not sure where to start first. Probably over at the grocery store. There flowers always seem to be in bloom.

Maybe they talk to them different or not something better than that flower dude. And while I'm at it, I can maybe snack some too.

Yeah, when you don't have a chance to feed your mind with answers, then you can at least feed your tummy.

That works for me. As long as in the process I get to smile and fill my stomach without getting a headache from not finding out what I was asking to know. So guess my next stop is the grocery store, or perhaps to buy a new bat, in case they ask like that flower shop dude.


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