Tuesday, May 15, 2007


What kind of nut came up with this idea? Yeah, I said nut. I mean really is this a good thing?

For me this is another of those goofy deals. In this case, it all comes down to some kind of stupid deal where somebody decides they can see things that aren't really there.

Normally if somebody says that we figure there is something wrong with them. But if they say it is a vision, whoa, then it is okay.

I mean is being crazy alright as long as you call it a vision? Sure doesn't see like it is true to me, but don't try telling some of these people that.

For if you do they will think you are the one who is crazy. So of like if you don't believe them it is you who has the problem.

Okay, I suppose I should just nod and say cool when some clown says he talked to a dude from some other planet. If he says that normally with a straight face you got to worry a bit.

Now if he happens to say, he saw it in a vision, then it is like, everything is fine. And I'm suppose to believe it is true?

It sure doesn't do any good to try and explain it to the person having the vision, that is for sure. I don't care how stupid or idiotic they are, if they all their insanity a vision then it suppose to make it all better.

And what gripes me is if I say something was a vision, they never believe me. It is like they have some special talent or license where they alone get to claim to see junk.

Heck, I see junk all the time, but nobody believes me even when I say it was a vision. Guess I should tell them it was a vision before I told them what I saw.

But I reckon it isn't going to matter much with some people. They are just hopeless. You can spend all day making a big deal about them being weird and you being okay and it just never helps.

In any case, I'm pretty much bored with the whole vision deal. I just am not interested in hearing any more about talking spoons and man eating plates. Yep, all done with that.

Now that I've sworn off that stuff, I can feel better about not letting them bug me with their visions crude. I just have to hope they don't bug me with it.

That is the part you have to hate. When they won't shut up. That is when I have to solve things the easy way, but using my bat to be sure they get some real visions. The ones of seeing my bat just before it hits them in the head!


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