Friday, May 18, 2007


I like this stuff, providing you fix it right. Okay, just for the record it ain't lemonade unless it has a lemon flavor, but not so sour it curls your nose hairs. That is not my idea of good tasty stuff.

Now what I wish is that there as some way to you know get the lemons to stop being sour in the first place. Seems like it sure would make things easier. Only I don't imagine anybody is going to fix that problem.

I mean there is that place in the government called the Food and Drug Administration. If they are in charge of administering junk to do with food then how come you can't like get them to work on this thing.

The way I figure you just have to like figure something to add to the lemon trees to make them start out sweet. Seems like a reasonable request to me.

But since I don't know how to get a hold of these dudes I'm not sure if you can get them to listen. Plus it don't say if they spend more time messing with administrating food or drugs? So I can't say if one is more important to them that the other.

Guess it would be a nice thing to find out. So perhaps when I got more time I'll see if they got some kind drug lying around to work on that problem.

Yeah, you never know, they might be all set with that kind of drug just sitting on some shelf and nobody bother to actually check it out. What with all that administrating stuff they might just gotten busy or something.

Well, it worth checking out. Gee, maybe they could even like work on the problem of lemons only tasty like lemons.

That could be fun. You just never know for sure. Hmmm, I wonder what cool stuff would do to make lemons taste like?

If they were to ask me I would vote for jelly beans. That would be so cool. Only I wonder how they would manage that?

Guess that is for them to figure out. I'm more the idea kind of dude. Let those science dudes figure out those details.

Sounds like it is time for me to sit down and write a few letters I guess. And I sure have had plenty of practice at those.

Just wish the mail wasn't so slow. I've been waiting for a whole year to hear back from the milk people on making milk different colors. That way it would go with different types of food better. Apparently, it takes a lot longer that I should have expected. But then you know, they are probably busy messing with cows.


"How come all the important stuff in life is related to fruit. I heard is said, life is like a bowl of cherries. All I know is somebody got my share. I hope they choke on the pits."


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