Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Tough to imagine very many things that fall under this category. Well I realize garbage ain't worth too much, but even it can be you know used for something.

Which is my view. If a thing can be used for something, then it isn't a nothing. So I see no reason to treat it as good for nothing.

What really amazes me is when I hear this said about people. Now even a scummy jerk like old rat boy, Junior Hemoglobin, is good for something.

I'll admit it is hard at times to figure what, but I just reckon I haven't spent enough time thinking on that one. Actually, I'm not too keen on even thinking in those terms.

I mean if I really let myself dwell on it, then I might get depressed. Because if I found out what he was good at I would end up having to respect him for it. That would be terrible.

I can even imagine the idea of telling that jerk he was good at something. Turns my stomach just to think of it.

At least I do have the benefit of not having to think about him all the time, so I can avoid that problem. Which doesn't have much to do with wondering about all the other people who you wonder if they are good for something.

With them I guess I figure the hard part at times is trying to remember what they are good for. It can be a challenge with some folks admittedly.

But the dudes I work with you just do the best you can. However, the tougher part is trying to convince myself that those darn griminal types are worth something.

With those guys I pretty have decided they are most useful for batting practice. Oh yeah, I can never get enough of that.

I just wish I could get Otis to appreciate it more. Man he can be so picky in that regard. Honestly it is such a pain with him.

I try to get him to tell me what good those dudes are for other than batting practice and he never manages to give me much of answer. So I end up just imagining how my bat swings really great when they are begging for mercy.

Ah well, I suppose they might have some other use. And I'll work on it the next time I get a chance.

Which may be quite a while away yet. Because you never know when the timing will be right. For me with griminals that is when Otis ain't looking and I get to use my bat. Whew is that a way to see them as being worth something.


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