Thursday, May 24, 2007


I always hear them tell soldiers this in movies. Only they never mention what it is that they are to be carrying. It this some secret I'm not suppose to know? Like they got a set of weights or boxes somewhere they are suppose to go about lugging around? I guess that is okay if that is what soldiers are happy doing.

But then since it is always some office that is telling them to carry about it is hard to say if they are happy about it. At least if they are you can't tell. Not from what I was able to see.

What I sort of figured out though is sooner or later it means the soldiers have to take a plane trip. And whatever they are lugging has to fit in some kind of baggage.

That's because they talk about carrying on baggage on planes. So I reckon those soldiers need time to pack and all.

Which is kind of thoughtful I reckon of the big shots to take time to tell them that you know that regular dude he can start packing. I just hope that the regular dude was happy and this isn't like something he will have to hate later.

Now that isn't cool if they are like sending them off some place by plane and don't really know where for sure the guy has to go. Or if he will even find out in right time.

Plus you hope that they did include a parachute on that plane. I know how much soldiers seem to love jumping out of planes and all. So I just figuring in that carrying on baggage they have room for a parachute. And especially one that is going to work.

You never know though. I mean those darn soldiers do get to be involved with like going off to invade someplace. We all know how that is sort of part of their jobs. Gee, I wonder if they other passengers happen to be told that too?

Shoot what if they are going to head over and bomb some place? Soldier dudes do stuff like that.

Heck, that carry on baggage could get really heavy if you have it full of a parachute and bombs too. Man I'm sure glad I don't have to lug around.

And I also got to wonder if say they decide to go bomb some place do the bother to tell the other passengers? Would seem like only a fair thing to do.

Then it also makes me wonder if they also bother to even tell those passengers they might need parachutes too? After all when you got off flying somewhere to bomb someplace they aren't likely to be happy about it.

Why I imagine they probably might try to shoot your plane down. Shoot man I know if I was a passenger on some plane that was going to crash and they didn't tell me about needing a parachute, I wouldn't be all that happy about it. Guess that why that have thing called, Coach class. That's probably where you go to get coached about parachutes.


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