Friday, May 25, 2007


Now is there any cooler thing than getting invited to a party? I tell you all the joy it gives me to sit and dream of cakes and cookies and all things tasty, just makes me so happy.

But then darn it all, there are times when people give you invitations that are so bogus. Really frosts my cookies with frustration when they do that.

You start out thinking it is going to be some great party and then they end up wanting to sell you something. And to make it worse you don't even get any cake!

It is like this deal I got in the mail. It was an invitation, which had me thinking party. True, it didn't say the kind of party, like a birthday or costume type, just that I was invited.

Well I called the number listed and they told me I was invited for sure. Then the dude on the phone talked about all this cool stuff I was going to get when I showed up.

So I got all excited and agreed to be there when they said it was time to have fun. I didn't bother to tell my buddy Otis though. I figured you know, no sense bugging him with it when they just invited me. Didn't want to like hurt his feelings or anything.

Then at the time on Saturday when they said to be there, I showed up. Since they didn't tell me if it was a costume or birthday party I figured I'd play it safe.

So I took the time to get a costume. They were out of all the good ones, so I ended having to settle for this purple skunk one. Then I even got a birthday gift too.

There I was showing up at the place as I was told, all set for cake and ice cream. And maybe some fun games too.

Well when the person they called the host saw me, man was he acting weird, but he did keep smiling at least. Then the took me over and show me this little slide show about something called a time share condo.

I never even knew you could share you time with somebody else. I just thought we each got the same amount of time in a week.

Apparently though with him the sharing part came down to you know, only being allowed to do if for a week out of the year. Then you had to pay for it too.

Sure didn't sound like much of a party to me. In the end, I never did get any cake. But that dude sure got a nice idea from my little bat buddy.

I bet he'll think twice before trying to sucker people in for cake and ice cream next time when all he wants to do is tell you weird stories about time. And next time I think I'll make sure they tell me the flavor of cake before I agree to some stupid invitation.

Thought for the week: "How come they say when life are gives you lemons, make lemonade. Couldn't they whip up a nice pie instead?"


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