Thursday, May 31, 2007


Ain't having good luck so cool? Man it just makes you feel so good. But you know when somebody says lucky me, they aren't bragging about having good luck.

More like, oh my god, I'm in deep doo-doo. Yeah, you sure don't feel thrilled by that kind of mess. At least I don't.

And let me tell you that happens way to often over at STINK. I wish I could blame this on old rat boy, Junior, but in this case it is more because of all the creeps we have to deal with.

Them darn griminals are so pesky and annoying. I hate them for the times they mess up a perfectly good assignment.

Okay, I can understand how you know, they would not be thrilled to say get caught doing griminal stuff. I mean I'm hardly very sympathetic with some dude who goes around creating lots of messes.

And so for me, there ain't no way I'm going to be all that thrilled to wish any luck on such creeps. Unless that includes my bashing them till the scream or go unconscious from my bat.

Ah that is really the kind of lucky me that isn't quite as bad. Unless you know it all happens in the middle of trying to do something fun. Then it is another of those lucky me things I hate.

But I hope you understand that I'm not complaining as much as just reporting. I mean I could take up a different kind of job. One without as many lucky me options.

Then the problem would be I'd have to give up the joy of beating them senseless and I don't know, that just is way too much fun. So it is a trade off. And one I live with, though I don't necessarily enjoy.

In any case, I do try to cut down on the lucky me stuff. That isn't always easy, but let me tell you it sure is nice when you miss out on a couple.

Oh yeah, one missed lucky me can really make your day. Just knowing some other poor slob got stuck with the deal makes me happy.

Course I do try to act you know sad for them. But not completely. I mean I know that darn well when I'm not there and they hear I got stuck with a lucky me deal they are all that upset.

In fact they are doing what I would be doing. Basically, sitting back and saying, "oh yeah, it's not me this time." Yeah, it is kind of silly, but then shoot, a lot of junk is like that if you like to think about it.


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