Sunday, May 27, 2007


Taking junk somewhere is part of my job. Taking it to the limit is when we take it to the dump and that is at the city limits.

Which is find by me because with it smelling as bad as it does, nobody needs that stench in the city. So you'll get no complaints from me on that part.

But what has taking trash to the city limit got to do with some other junk? Er maybe I should stuff?

The reason I ask is because I heard people talk about taking things to the limit and I know they were not in anyway hauling garbage. Lord knows what other kind of strange stuff they were talking about.

Why I bet they are part of some weird group that are involved with stuff like dumping crap along the side of the road because they don't want to pay to use the dump. Now those kinds of people really piss me off. And well, yeah, that ain't cool!

Anyway, just you know thought I would take the time to pass that on. Just in case you are one of those kinds of taking it to the limit dudes.

Really you need to get another hobby or get help. Shoot just call my boss, we'll pick up you stuff and take it to the limit, only we will actually dump it in the dump and not some side of the road.

Otherwise you risk the chance of me coming across you some time when you think you are being clever and getting away with it. And you can be darn sure I ain't going to be all that friendly if you are messing with that kind of habit.

As for everyone else, well I hope if you by chance are talking about taking something to the limit, you just stick with thinking about it. Because you sure don't need to get involved with that kind of mess if you can avoid it.

Now I hope I have managed to make myself clear on that subject. At least so I don't have to bother saying it again.

I mean it is bad enough to just know there are such crazy people out there. I sure don't want to imagine them getting worse with time.

All I can hope is that somebody actually wises up from reading my advice. I figure if I keep one person from taking whatever to the limit of the city and leaving it by the side of the road it was worth the trouble.

So I will assume that the rest of you will at least think about it. That would be a start and I will definitely be thrilled if that happens to end up with even one less hunk of crap being left by the city limits sign.


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