Monday, June 04, 2007


Okay now this is where you know, somebody claims they have a problem and then when they can't figure a way to make it better they decide it isn't a problem. Only naturally it really still is a problem.

However, you just don't get the person to admit it. Which still don't improve things, just leaves people feeling that everything is going to be okay even when it isn't.

Now this happens a lot where I live. And even though it happens where I work too, I see it lots of places.

Like with the politicians we got in our city. We have this one guy, Mayor Rash Limburger. Now there is a dude who sure come up with some strange stuff at times. Really drives me nuts.

I mean like during the last election he kept talking about how he was going to deal with the issue of unemployment in our city. I thought that was pretty cool.

And shoot I knew a couple of guys who needed jobs. So right after the election we dropped by to see him. I figured he'd be happy to you know personally talk to a couple of guys who actually needed jobs.

Man was that a mistake. First problem was even getting to see him. Like most of the time he is in meetings or something. Man does that suck.

Well we waited around for the longest time and finally caught up with him when he was leaving the office. Oh after first he was a little uncooperative.

Okay, maybe we should have not trying to visit him while we still had that silverware in our hands from lunch, but gee I didn't think it was any reason for him to start screaming for help.

Anyway, after those security guards beat on us a while and finally gave us a chance to talk, we sort of made sure he understood we were related to some guy whose wife apparently the Mayor had done something with, not sure, involved a motel. But in the meantime, when we did get to chat with him, boy talk about never getting a job?

Oh he said all kinds of stuff. But you know, none of it made a whole lot of sense All I know is when he got done, my two pals didn't get any jobs.

We did get a couple of campaign buttons. I guess that counts for something. Only not sure exactly what.

In the meantime, we are going to try and see him again. Only without the silverware. Actually, we will be trimming trees first. I imagine seeing us holding a chain saw should impress him don't you think?


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