Thursday, June 07, 2007


You know there is that old question about, which came first, the chicken or the egg? To me money and calendars are kind of like that.

It is just hard for me to figure whether the calendar came first or paydays. I mean you could pretty much have it either way.

Like somebody had trouble remembering when they got paid and decided to write it down. That would make sense to me.

On the other hand, you know it might have been they invented the calendar first and then decided like Fridays needed something special to remember them for so you might as well get paid. I would say that would work too.

So I guess it really is hard to say for sure which came first. At least I'm glad they we have both now.

Does make me kind of wonder what people did for money before they had money. Probably you got paid in something like rocks or twigs.

Man that must have been fun to try and put in some checking account. Which have been part of the problem for bankers what with having way too lumpy vaults.

So they might have figured coins and paper were a lot better. And seeing how lots of banks have these calendars I reckon they might have been the ones to come up with the whole deal of money and stuff.

Seems far too. After all they do most of the money junk and plus you figure they got the added deal of using certain holidays to goof off.

Which probably would be another reason they came up with calendars so they would be able to figure when the best time for a holiday so they could catch up on counting money. Yeah, that makes sense when you think about it.

Only I reckon that it is more than that. Because they give a lot of us time off for a holiday when they have it as a bank holiday.

I just figure that is their way of not wanting us to find out they have trouble counting. So it is easy to just let us have the time off and so we could goof off.

Then they can sit back and if they made a mistake somewhere they have time to fix it without it being a problem for the rest of us. Yeah, kind of thoughtful I guess.

They get to cover up some mistake and we get a chance to go out and have some fun. Which is better than the other way around because I sure don't want to get stuck in some bank on a holiday.


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